Best Ever | Storyteller collection | Sue Plumb

Hi everyone, it’s Sue Plumb here today to share my latest design team project with you.

I have to admit, things have been super busy in my world lately, and I have really found myself pushed for both time and inspiration to create. In times like these, I often find it helpful to reach for a sketch so I have somewhere to start and can get going quickly. It was for this reason I decided to use a Page Maps sketch for this page, along with the beautiful ‘Storyteller’ collection.

And here is the sketch I was working with…

As you can see, I stuck fairly closely with the overall sketch design. One of the greatest things about using sketches though, is that they are designed to inspire you, so you have the ability to interpret different elements of the sketch however you want.

This is exactly what I did when it came to my background. I began with a sheet of patterned paper (Fly Away), just as the sketch suggested, however instead of layering this with another piece of paper or cardstock, I chose to add acrylic paint to define the focal area of my page. I then added a piece of the rainbow striped Brighter Days paper that I had leftover from a previous project.

The sketch had a couple of vertical elements, so I used one scrap strip of paper I had on hand, plus the heart strip from the Story Time cut apart paper. For my title, I used the best ever card from the Pocket Cards pack and in keeping with the sketch I punched along the top edge of it using a notebook style punch. Before sticking down the photos of my daughter and I; I added a small paper doily and some frayed gauze to create texture behind them.

With all the main components in place, it was then simply a matter of adding my embellishments. Again I stuck fairly closely with the design of the sketch, but instead of using stars, I substituted flowers instead. I created three clusters using a variety of pieces from the Floral Ephemera pack, and I topped one of the flowers with an Epoxy Wood Button. Other embellishments used included a small banner and heart from the Die Cut Ephemera pack; some Accessory Stickers; and Puffy Stickers.

You can watch how this layout came together in my process video below:

Thanks for stopping by so I could share this today. If you have found yourself short on time or mojo lately, try using a sketch like I did for this layout. You can stick close to the original design or use it as a jumping off point – just get those memories documented!

Until next time, happy scrapping!