Best Buddies | Legendary Collection | Laura Alberts

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Hey y’all! Laura Alberts here again with a birthday layout using the lovely Legendary collection! I adore the masculine collections for my sons’ layouts and Legendary has a special place in my heart thanks to all of the stunning reds and blues! This layout focuses on using up scraps.

To create these journaling spots on either side of my photos, I used the inside of the woodgrain frame in the ephemera pack and cut it in half. Each side outlines an area that was perfect for a little bit of writing! Added to the fussy cut and punched stars I sprinkled all around the ephemera stars, it gives this layout a whimsical feel.

With word phrases from the accessories sticker sheet and enamel dots scattered around my clusters, this layout has a fun, light-hearted feel that fits my sons’ personalities perfectly.

I hope this layout inspires you to use up the scraps from your older collections! If you’d like to see how “Best Buddies” came together, check out the process video below: