The Good Life | Daydream Collection | Melissa Vining

Hi everyone, its Melissa here and I’m so happy to be back with you sharing another layout!! I put up a poll on the Cocoa Vanilla Studio Facebook page asking whether I should use the Daydream collection or the Sunkissed collection.  Daydream won, and I was happy to use it as I had an idea for the Stepping Stones paper.  I decided to scrapbook a photo of my kids on Sam’s 14th birthday in March of this year.

When I saw Stepping Stones I always had a plan to cut it into strips and recreate an organic rainbow shape with it.  I’d been waiting for the perfect photo, and it turned out way better than I ever imagined!!  I cut the strips roughly so they weren’t perfect, and then used a side plate to line up my first row of strips.  I alternated the colours to include all of the strips from the paper.  I machine stitched my last row to secure them.

I only adhered the centres of the strips with liquid glue to enable movement, and I lifted the edges up for dimension. I embellished around my photo with bits and pieces from the Die Cut Ephemera.  I also used one of the ‘Puffy Hearts’ and a Flair Button.

I created another area of embellishment that would also contain my title.  I don’t always think titles have to be big and overpowering, and for this layout I really wanted the rainbow (and photo of course) to be the star. I also used some of the “Accessory Stickers”.

You can read my journalling in the photo below.  My final touch was to add some metallic gold drops, and I love how they finish off my layout.

I made a process video that you can watch below.

I hope I inspired you to look at your patterned paper supplies in a different way!!

Melissa xx