Super Awesome Adventure | Legendary Collection | Laura Alberts

Hey y’all! Laura Alberts back again with another boy layout featuring the Legendary collection. I absolutely loved this Brave Heart mixed media style patterned paper, but didn’t want it to over power my photos. So, by layering white cardstock between the mixed media paper and the gray dot paper, the two work better together! I love the little photo corners I cut out of some scraps to give the center area a bit of dimension.

The title is from the clear sticker sheet, thought it has the look of handwriting or stamping! A small cluster of stars in several places on the layout were the minimal embellishing I added to this page. Most of the stars are fussy cut from the All Star patterned paper, but some are punched from scraps. Small dots of gold Nuvo Drops and gold ink splatter, along with hand-drawn stars add tiny details to each cluster.

I puzzled these photos together with the intention of creating the look of a modified grid, balanced, but yet off-kilter. I think this design works beautifully with these photos because it illustrates the nature of the castle featured there.  My favorite part of this layout is the clear sticker “Epic” on my photo with word phrases underneath. That small detail is just awesome!


I hope this layout inspires you to have some fun with the bold colors and patterns in the Legendary collection! To see how the “Super Awesome Adventure” layout came together, check out the process video below!