Play | Great Escape | Laura Alberts

Hey y’all! Laura Alberts back again with the new Great Escape collection! These photos of my youngest son at the Delta State Fair were the perfect mix of colors for this collection, even though it steps well outside the nature/camping theme of Great Escape. The versatility of Cocoa Vanilla collections is one of the reasons it’s my favorite!

I started with a 10 inch circle using a chipboard template I made from a large bowl in my house. Using that as a guide, I stacked up tons of fussy cut stars around the circle. This gives the layout a celebratory feel that I think fits the State Fair!

I grouped my photos into two small clusters at the top left and bottom right, then built a larger focal image in the middle. For my 3×4 inch photo in the center, I built up a shelf using scraps and manufacturing strips. This gives visual support to my focal image.

If you would like to see how “Play” came together, check out the process video below: