Hello Sweet Smile | Throwback Thursday – Midnight collection | Michelle Stokes

Hello Crafty Friends its Michelle back here today with another instalment of Throwback Thursday. For this creation I was given the task of using one of our more recent older collections, if you could call them that HAHA. I chose to create something with the Midnight collection as that is one that I haven’t touched for a little while. I focused on using the Large Die Cut without the backing sheet which you can find HERE in the store

I started the layout by removing the die cut from the backing sheet – its lightly adhered so that you can remove and create your own way. I used similar patterns and colours to what is already on the backing sheet along with some vellum and left the outer rim open. I then adhered it to the INSPIRED pattern paper using foam tape. I LOVE the mixed media effect this pattern paper gives a layout which is perfect for this ‘clean’ scrapper.

I layered a couple of frames from the ephemera pack with a piece of pattern paper to create a base for my photo, then added multiple ephemera pieces and stickers to create one large cluster under the title.

At the top left of the layout I added a some florals from the sticker and ephemera packs, a couple of enamel dots, heart and tab sticker.

I replicated similar items along the bottom right to create a diagonal effect on the layout.

Lastly a sprinkling of my favourite gold colour shine to finish it all off.

Thats all from me today. Short and sweet just like the process of creating this layout. I hope its inspired you in some way, and that you will share your creations with us in the Cocoa Vanilla Studio Community group on Facebook.

Thanks so much for stopping by and until next time, Happy Scrapping!

Michelle x