Family | Heart & Home Collection | Laura Alberts

Hey y’all, Laura Alberts back again with a fun spin on a grid layout. For these four 3×4 inch photos from a camping trip, I puzzled the pictures together with ephemera and cut apart pieces to create a collage in the center of my page. The border around the outside gives the collage a little bit of structure and helps it feel cohesive.

In blank spots that were a little too narrow for additional embellishments, I added a row of chain-stitching with ombre embroidery floss that coordinated with the Heart & Home collection. These sweet puffy heart stickers were the perfect accent for this banner piece!

The floral ephemera pack is always one of my favorite parts of a new collection and these darling flowers had to make an appearance on my layout too! The hand-stitched elements work beautifully with the cross-stitch designs on the cut aparts that I used for titles.

I hope this layout inspires you to try a new design with multiple photos! If you’d like to see how “Family” came together, check out the process video below.