Be a Rainbow | Daydream Collection | Danni Visser

Hi there Cocoa Vanilla fans! Danni here, and today I am having some fun with the cut-apart elements in the Happy Place 12×12 patterned paper, which is part of the amazing new Daydream collection xx

Cut-apart sheets are one of my favourite products to work with, and as soon as this collection arrived on my doorstep I set to work with my scissors and cut this whole page up into it’s individual elements, ready for making a layout. I find it is much easier to get inspired when you already have all the pieces cut out and ready to use.

The sweet little woodgrain piece with the oval centre and flowers at the bottom was crying out to become a frame, so I carefully cut the oval from the centre, taking care to keep all the little flowers intact. A craft knife and cutting mat works best for this.

I chose this beautiful photo of my sweet baby girl to put behind the frame I created. The 3×4 inch size of these cut-apart elements makes them perfect to use with 3×4 photos, and this one fit perfectly. I arranged several of the other elements from Happy Place 12×12 patterned paper in a diagonal across my page – this is my favourite layout as it really helps to draw the eye across the page.

For my background I chose white mixed media weight cardstock and added a border using Stepping Stones 12×12 patterned paper for a pop of that beautiful rainbow stripe. I went ahead and added some soft mixed media to the background using some solid watercolour paints, making sure to place the colour where it could be seen peeking out from behind my cut-apart elements. Once this dried I placed all those elements back onto the page and adhered them down.

For embellishments I chose to keep things simple, adding a flair button, a puffy heart, a sunshine sticker from the accessory stickers and a sweet little die cut ephemera tab at the top of my photo. I pulled out a bunch of the teeny tiny heart die cut ephemera and accessory stickers, creating several clusters of these in varying colours around my diagonal design.

For finishing touches I added a few lines of journaling on a label at the bottom of the page, followed by three little clusters of white dimensional drops. This layout is quite simple and minimal, quick to make and looks so soft and pretty. I am so happy with how it turned out. I hope you were inspired to use your cut-apart patterned papers today! They are such a fun and easy way to make a layout that looks amazing.

There is a process video linked below if you would like to watch this layout come together. Thanks for joining me today, happy scrapping!

Danni x