You’re Totally Awesome | No Limits Collection | Danni Visser

Hi everyone! Danni here with a new layout featuring the amazing new No Limits collection by Cocoa Vanilla Studio. I have fallen hard for this collection and it’s easy to see why. Those bright colours and amazing patterns are perfect for documenting those childhood photos! For this layout I used two photos of my son showing off his built creations.

I started off with Universal 12×12 patterned paper as a base for the layout. I wanted a subtle pattern and this soft grey spot was perfect.

Next I began cutting strips of varying lengths and widths from the cut-apart side of Universal 12×12 patterned paper as well as a variety of papers from the A5 paper stack. I then distressed all the cut edges of the paper strips with my edge distresser for texture and visual interest.

Using tacky glue I layered the paper strips across the page, staggering the positioning of the strips so that the top and bottom edges fell at different heights. I tried to keep a balance of colours and patterns while still keeping the placement fairly random.

I placed my photos over the paper strips towards the left of the page, overlapping them slightly.  I used the die cut titles to create a large, bold title to the right of the page, adding some white gel pen highlights to add my own personal touch to the title pieces. I added a small phrase piece from the cut-apart side of Universal 12×12 patterned paper below my title, as well as some accessory sticker phrase pieces.

Because the layout was already bold and full of visual interest, I didn’t need to do any heavy embellishing. I simple created three small areas of small black ink splatters, followed by some small pieces from the chipboard stickers and a sprinkling of adorable puffy stickers to create a subtle visual triangle around my photos.

I love how this turned out and I hope you enjoyed joining me today. There is a process video on the Cocoa Vanilla Studio YouTube channel linked below if you would like to watch the layout come together. Happy scrapping!

Danni x