WINNERS! Bloom & Grow and Deck the Halls Give Away

Hello everyone, and happy Sunday!

I’m so sorry for the delay in announcing the winners of our giveaway! I have been a busy little bee with production of the new collections and there haven’t been enough hours in the day… I was so excited to see the response to both of these collections, and I am so thankful to have so many wonderful followers!

So without further ado, here are the winners of both giveaways!

Bloom & Grow Collection Winners: 

Blog Give Away: Rosslyn Coutts

Instagram Give Away: @shimmerlife

Deck The Halls Collection Winners: 

Blog Give Away: LeahA

Instagram Give Away: @joannepanagopoulos

Congratulations  ladies, I will be in touch shortly to get your address so I can send out your prize packs… Thank you to everyone who joined in – I truly appreciate it!

Thanks so much for joining me tonight… These new collections start shipping to our retailers tomorrow, and I can’t wait to see all of the beautiful pages everyone makes with them!

xx Zoe