The Best | Unforgettable collection | Sophie Delorme

Hey Cocoa Vanilla friends!

It’s Sophie with you today with a new layout to share!


I use the beautiful Unforgettable collection this time. I wanted to highlight a yummy dessert that my sweet Sabrina baked and was so proud of!

I started with a thick white cardstock and used three colors from @Shimmerzpaints to create a little mixed media background.

I cut two pieces of the Sprightly paper and placed them horizontally on the top and bottom of the page. I did a zigzag stitch at their edge.


I centered my photo and mounted it on tissue paper and foam adhesive. I decorated in little clusters of embellishments around my photo and used the Foam Title Stickers – my favorites amongst all! – to create my title.


I scattered a few butterflies, handwrote my journaling directly on my background and stamped the date.

Here are more close-ups:








I am so happy with the result! I only had a few elements from that amazing collection left and tended to hoard them…! I am glad that I used them on this project!

I hope that this was inspiring,

Thank you for stopping by!

Sophie xx