So happy to meet you | Happy Days Layout | Anna Komenda

Hello everyone! Welcome in another month! My assignment for today was to create project with “Motherhood” theme in mind as a part of celebrating Mother’s Day. I am both a child and a mom so I could approach this topic in two ways. However, I barely have any photos with my own mom (she is live and kicking, just hates taking photos) so I decided to scrapbook my own story. When our kids are born, we usually focus on taking photos of them, all the cute feet and smiles and everything but we often forget to include us into the picture. Who can blame us? We usually look tired and exhausted when a new baby is born, with no time for any makeup or doing hair. I am one of those mothers too and with my first daughter born I honestly do not have any photo of me and her that I would scrapbook and share in the public. I remembered this lesson with kid no 2! When we came back from the hospital, I washed my hair, put some maskara and asked my hubby to take us few photos on our own couch. They are not perfect, they are not posed properly, but they are filled with all the love and tenderness a new mom feels toward her baby.

One of those imprefect photos made it to this page. Maja was only one week old here and I was still recovering but I remember this moment so vividly – the pure happiness flooding me with tears in the corners of my eyes. The prefect human I just made was finally there to be touched, held and kissed. So tiny yet so perfect.

I reached for brand new CVS collection called HAPPY DAYS. The perfect name of line to scrapbook such a precious memory. My photo has a lot of contrast and unusual color combination but I managed to find just a perfect papers in this collection. I started with white, textured cardstock quickly drawing few wonky hearts on it using very soft watercolor crayons in four colors. Some are bigger and some are smaller. My custom made background was done withing few minutes.

Next step was to cut two tags and a rectangle from A5 PAPER STACK papers to create a composition. After glueing them down to the background, I took my fussy cutting scissors and LUSH BLOOMS and FLUTTERBY papers and I cut out bunch of flowers and butterflies in matching colors.

I glued them down and went through EPHEMERA PACK to find other elements that would fit my composition. I also created a title using CHIPBOARD TITLES. Some of the words are used as they were supposed to and some of them are a random letters pulled out from other words. This way “sweet” turned into “meet”. I just skipped S and rotated W into M. Just another way to spread your possibilities of using up scrappy stuff.

I finished the design by adding few puffy hearts for more texture. I really like the color combo on this page – I would probably not think of it if not the colors in the picture. It proves how versatile HAPPY DAYS collection it! With all the colors of the rainbow, you can easily pick only few to play with.

That is all for today! thank you so much for stopping by and see you again in two weeks.

XO Anna