Live the Wild Life with Great Escape & Niki Rowland

Live the Wild Life with the Great Escape collection! This is Niki (@nikiclairecreates) and for this layout and process video I have chosen an orange and yellow colour scheme. I therefore focused on picking out all the bits from the Great Escape collection that had those colours.

I started with a white background that I trimmed down and added to the yellow sun Great Escape paper. I then set to work using the orange zigzag side of the Happy Camper paper. I originally envisaged having a large block of this paper on my background but last minute decided to cut zigzag strips instead! I cut a few rows, trimmed them down so I had various lengths, distressed all the edges, and then arranged them onto my background.

I mounted my photo using one of the yellow papers from the A5 Paper Stack and tucked this into the zigzags. I then added all the embellishments I could find in the yellow and orange colours. I used some Floral Ephemera from the Heart & Home collection too, as well as Ephemera from the Great Escape, Chipboard Stickers, Accessory Stickers and some pieces from the Cut Apart sheet too.

For my title, I used an acrylic Perspextive title by Bramble Fox and a little yellow arrow that matches. I finished off with a few sequins and some splatters of black paint. I also hand wrote my journaling along one of the zigzag lines.

Thanks so much for joining me today and happy scrapping! The process video for this layout is below – enjoy x

Niki xx
