Happy COVID Birthday to Me | Make a Wish Collection | Michelle Stokes

Hey Everyone its Michelle back here today with a new layout share for part of our Pattern Paper Background theme. I’ve used the Make a Wish collection for this layout which was perfect to document my recent birthday that we ended up ‘celebrating’ COVID style. I love the colours and patterns within this collection so it was fun to dip into my remaining stash.

Now we all know that I love using white cardstock as my base for most layouts that I create. I love the crisp white open space it provides to make the other elements on the layout stand out, but I also like to step out of my comfort zone every now and then and create something with next to no white cardstock. I think I succeeded today and I may have snuck in a little for the cut file from CUT to YOU but that was all.


The woodgrain design in the Make a Wish collection would have to be by far my most favourite of all the woodgrain patterns that Zoe has designed and its perfect for full page background use. I combined it with a grid of other bright patterns from the collection, including those sweet mini florals, and sewed around the edges of each to secure them to the background.

I added 3 black and white photos, printed slightly larger than the pattern paper squares and adhered using foam tape to raise them up off the background just a tad. To the right of the photo above I’ve created a mini cluster using ephemera pieces, cut apart tag and glitter enamels.

I added the title to the bottom half of the grid mixed with older alpha stickers from both this collection and one of the very first collections Cocoa Vanilla Studio released.

I created a couple of mini floral clusters diagonally across from each other using pieced from the ephemera pack and some fussy cut party hats from the cut apart sheet. I didn’t add to many bits as the layout itself is already quite busy with all the different patterns and colours.

I also added a couple of bits to the bottom left corner to coordinate with the mini cluster of bits to the photo above the title. This made the layout look complete and balanced all the elements out just nicely.

Lastly I added a sprinkling of gold ink around the layout, I’m going to be super sad when that little bottle runs out as its the perfect finishing touch to almost all the layouts I create using CVS products.

For now thats all from me, thank you so much for stopping by today.  As always be sure to share your amazing creations with us in the CVS Facebook group. We love to see what your inspired to create!

Until next time, Happy Scrapping!
Michelle xx

**PS Please note If you’re hoping to get your hands on this sweet collection sadly theres only a couple of papers left in physical form in the CVS shop, and its not been released in DIGITAL form. Maybe you might already have a good stash of it at your place and you can keep creating with it.