Favourites of 2023 | Michelle Stokes

Hey Crafty friends, its Michelle here today with a look back at my favourite layouts created for Cocoa Vanilla Studio this past year. I think in total I’ve made 30+ creations using the wonderful collections of CVS this year, so it was a little tricky to narrow it down to just a few favourites, but here we go..

Lets begin with this magical village creation from March using These Days Collection
I loved creating the rows of houses to build a village. All fussy cut from the Neighbourhood paper. SO much fun!

Next up was this beauty, created back in February  using the Sunkissed Collection and inspired by that months Mood Board Challenge. The bright colours of this collection are still by far my most favourite of all time.

Another rainbow assortment of patterns and colour created in June using the Happy Days Collection. Love me some colour blocking (if thats what you call it) on a layout. Love how this all came together in one magical colour explosion

Lastly one of my more recent layouts in November using the Heart & Home Collection and our sweet fur babies. Another rainbow assortment of patterns and colour, but a little less in your face. The perfect mix of pattern and florals with a mixed font title to finish it off.

Well friends thats all from me today. I hope you’ve enjoyed seeing my favourites from the past year, let me know in the comments which one was your fave from the many I’ve shared with you all.

Until next time, Have a safe and fun end to the festive season, and Best Wishes to you for an even happier New Year. Thanks for all the love throughout the years, can’t wait to see what collections we get to play with next year!

Happy Scrapping
Michelle x