Always Sweet | These Days Collection | Michelle Stokes

Hey Hey! It’s Michelle here today with a brand new layout share using our wonderful NEW collection These Days. I’m also excited to kickstart our product feature for the next few days on Pocket Page cards and the A5 paper stack from this awesome collection. I don’t know about you, but I cant wait to see what the other DT chicks create.

Here’s a look at what I got up to with thePocket Page cards

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Pocket Page cards. They’re a super versatile 3x4inch card that can be used for more than just pocket page scrapping. They make a great base for simple layout designs, are perfect to layer together in photo stacks, use them whole or cut them up to recreate strips of papers. The selection of designs within the These Days Collection pack are all kinds of magical and even feature a few sweet frame designs. I used these as the main focus of my layout by cutting the Inside of the frame out and adhering photos behind.

I strung the photos across the layout using different adhesives for slightly different heights of dimension. These photos are quite old now, its hard to believe Leila was this little once, especially in this new stage of life, the Pre Teen years.

She had so much sass this day and was really hamming it up for the camera. She knew she was cute haha

I used 3 other pocket page cards to create strips down the edge of the layout, cutting 2 of them into 6 strips (length ways) and laying one above the other down each edge. I sewed through each on my machine using a straight stitch and zigzag. The other card I cut wider strips from and only used half for this layout.

Next up was the banner strung between the photos. I used a mix of stickers and cut apart pieces that I adhered to some cardstock to keep them in place so I could sew through the tops.

I added the title under this using a mix of foam title pieces, mini puffy alphabet stickers and a cut apart label from the A5 paper stack.

You all know what comes next… floral clusters of goodness YES! All the pretty florals were cut from the A5 Home Grown paper and the sweet butterfly from the A5 Take Flight paper. There’s also a hint of black from the title stickers pack, a cute little gold glitter heart and a phrase sticker from the accessory sticker pack.

I created a smaller cluster on the other side of the layout using the same elements as the first with the addition to a tag from the accessory sticker sheet.

Final touches included adding tiny fussy cut flowers around the clusters and then a big splattering of gold ink to finish it off.

Well friends that’s all from me today, thank you so much for stopping by! Be sure to check back in tomorrow to see what the next DT Member has to share with you for our Pocket Page Cards and A5 Paper stack feature.

Until next time, Happy Scrapping!
Michelle x