2023 Favourite Layouts | Anna Komenda

Hello Friends. We are only three days until New Year so it’s a perfect time for all the summaries of year 2023. That’s why I want to invite you for a short journey through my favourite layouts from 2023 that I made with wonderful CVS collections. I picked four of them – pages I had the most pleasure making. Let’s dive into them!

This page was made with “Daydream” collection mostly. I focused on pattern paper, filled with flowers and went crazy with fussy cutting. Next step was to arrange a big bouquet using all those florals and butterflies. It’s a perfect recipe for using up the leftovers of any CVS collection.

You know I like adding some mixed media to my projects and here I played with vividly colored watercolor brushes. Scrapbooking memory from our trip to Barcelona using bits and pieces from “Sunkissed” collection was a pure joy.

After the summer, there comes fall and another mixed media layout. This time I reached for newest “Heart & Home” collection and wonderful, warm color palette. Die cutting bunch of leaves from pattern papers is always a good idea! It’s a perfect way to use up scraps or smaller paper pads.

Last layout I wanted to share with you is also made with “Heart & Home” collection and it documents one of our family trips. I reached for one of my all time favourites – wooden pattern as a background of the page. Little doodled frames were a perfect match with my photos.

I can’t wait to see what Zoe prepared for upcoming year 2024. Whatever it will be, I am sure it will look amazing as always. I know you are waiting for new line as impatiently as I am!

Thank you so much for spending your time with me and see in 2024! Sending you lots of grean New Year’s wishes!

XO Anna